August 15, 2013

I'm 2 weeks old today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's my Birthday today, I'm 2 weeks old !!!

Hello everybody, It's Monday 12th August 2013 and it's my 2 week birthday.  My first weeks here have really gone fast and I have seen and done so much already, I can't wait to see what i'll be doing in the future...... !

libby lobster 2 weeks old
 Hey big people ! Thanks for coming to see me on my mini birthday.

 My mum is trying to finish getting me dressed (i'm sure i'll grow into those pants soon).

libby lobster 2 weeks old
libby lobster 2 weeks old

So i'm dressed and just relaxing on the rug............ 

libby lobster 2 weeks old

My mum had some friends round in the afternoon  called 'Josephine' and 'Deborah'.    I was sleeping at the time but think i was passed around for a cuddle ?  I want to say thanks to mums friends as they brought me lots of presents, including; a photo album, a snuff (blanket) and lots of nice clothes to wear. x 

These pictures were taken after i had woke up hungry, had some food and was falling asleep again.  I know It looks like I've had a few shandies, but i haven't.  Honest ! 

libby lobster 2 weeks oldlibby lobster 2 weeks old

When i wake up, I watch a bit of TV in my bouncy chair..........

libby lobster 2 weeks old

libby lobster 2 weeks oldI get a bit restless so decide to go and give my mum a cuddle x
libby lobster 2 weeks old

Then later, after my supper...................

libby lobster 2 weeks old

It's time for bed. nite nite........................

libby lobster 2 weeks old

Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope to see you again soon.


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