August 25, 2013

wk 4, day 1. Do you like my Hoodie ?

3 weeks old, and wearing a hoodie.

Hi everyone, It's Tuesday 20th August 2013 and today i discover what a 'Yorkshire pudding' looks like.  Also as i'm  now a full 3 weeks old, i think it's time to try on one of my dad's hoodies !

Good morning ! Now i don't know about you, but i'm feeling pretty strong today..............

Time for a nappy change before breakfast.  I'm not usually happy 1st thing in the morning, as you can see................. !

After some food i feel much better, and relax on sofa with mum. x

But my good mood doesn't last long.....................

                                       I have some more food, which does tire me out...............                                        have you tried sucking liquid through one of those teat's !!!

Before bath time, my dad lets me try on one of his tops.     I do like it and think it suits me, even if it is a bit big........ !!!

And then it's time to get wet, because it's bath time..........

After my bath, more cuddles with the mummy. x

 These are the 'Yorkshire pudding' that my dad made to go with the big peoples meal, they look delicious. Can't wait to get some teeth !

After everyone had eaten, i get dressed to go for a walk.  I love my new little jeans and top.

It was raining outside, so we had to use this big plastic thing to stop me getting wet.

I was very tired when we got back.  I had some food, put a sleepy suit on, and i was ready for bed.  Goodnight..........

Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope to see you again soon.


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